Friday, June 12, 2009


would i be good at drama?

ants burial

do ants bury their dead, or do they just take them home and feed them to the queen, because i squished a bunch of ants, and another ant came and tried to take them home and now i feel really bad. :(


why do ants shrink when you squish them?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


why don't mosquito's feed from open wounds?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chuck Norris

how did chuck norris become such a legend? why not some other guy?

Monday, June 8, 2009

wild pencils

can you find graphite (pencil lead) out in the wild? where?

dog wiskers

why aren't dogs' wiskers as noticable as cats'?

crocs- rubber?

what are Crocs (the shoes) made out of, and why has it become so popular?

the bleach rainbow

why does bleach turn things different colors before it goes white? like that navy golf shirt i have with the pink doodle on it; the doodle was done in bleach pen- why didn't it go straight white or just become a lighter blue?

bananna butts

what is that sharpish black thing at the end of a peeled bananna?


Why does hair grow longer in some places than in others? Why longer on some animals than others (different dog breeds for instance)? Why does some hair stay short (like arms), some hair grow long (legs), and other hair grow on and on forever (head)? Why do some people have longer, thicker hair than others (comparing guys' legs for instance)?

drivers in England

Why do drivers drive on the opposite side of the car in England? is there some advantage to this?

baby brains

why do babies have mushy holes in the top of thier heads?

the doorframe code

Do doors always hinge in the same direction?


Why are boys' and girls' knees shaped differently?